Environmental Policy 

The main activities of Boston Renewables Limited:

• Renewable Energy solutions (including maintenance and repair) to commercial customers including Solar PV Arrays, Battery Storage Systems, Electric Vehicle Charge Points.

Boston Renewables environmental impacts during the undertaking of their services have been identified, reviewed and controlled as far as is reasonably practicable. By setting environmental objectives which are regularly monitored and reviewed at management meetings, we aim to reduce these impacts further. Boston Renewables are committed to the protection of the environment including prevention of pollution, the reduction, reuse and recycling of waste products and a reduction in carbon emissions. All relevant legislative requirements have been documented within the environmental legal register and will be monitored and updated as appropriate. Boston Renewables are committed to fulfil their compliance and contractual obligations for the environment.
This environmental policy statement forms part of the Boston Renewables Integrated Management System (IMS) for which we have commitment for continual improvement.
This Policy Statement will be reviewed on an annual basis or sooner if the need arises. It will be shared throughout the business and available to interested parties upon request.

John Hudson MD
Date: 26/04/2024